Become a Friend of the Farm!
Regular income is vital for the survival of the farm. Can you join us in being a friend of the Farm?
Your contribution helps us to:
- Safely welcome over 130,000 visitors a year, mainly families where they can meet and feed the animals, engaging in therapeutic, fun and educational experiences, use the playground or enjoy the garden, free of charge.
- Offer work experience for over 244 students a year, 64% of which have identified as disabled.
- Host students who have lost their desire or ability to thrive in mainstream education.
- Offer accessible riding lessons at subsidised prices, we are on average 22% cheaper than some of our competitors.
- Offer educational activities on the Farm: including workshops and guided experiences for school children.
- Run mental and physical health and well-being programmes within the local community
- Support volunteer opportunities for over 190 people a year, of those 43% in 2023/24 were unemployed, and 56% identified as individuals with additional needs.
- Fund our staff to care for the animals and maintain the Farm.

£3 a month will help feed our goats like Barry

£5 a month will contribute to rabbits like Bugs going on an educational visit to local schools

£10 a month helps us to offer a work experience placement to a young student.
As a friend you will receive updates about the activities and events at the Farm and an invite to our annual AGM.
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