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Barn Owl Café will be closed next 4 Fridays


Due to staff absences over the next few Fridays, the Barn Owl Café and Shop will be closed on Friday 24th February, Friday 3rd March, 10th and 17th. Apologies for any inconvenience caused – aside from the aforementioned Fridays, the café will be open as usual (so from 10:00 – 2:30pm week days and 10:00 – 4:00pm on weekends), and will be back open on Fridays on the 24th March.

We’ll be remaining on winter opening hours throughout March (with the café closing at 2:30pm) and will be going into our summer opening hours from the 1st April onward, meaning the café will be open until 4:00pm throughout the week. Thank you for bearing with us!

Saturday 31st August is Farm Fest, this is a ticketed entry event only. Find out more and book below.